Thursday, January 26, 2006


My dog, her name is Melba
Had 19 puppies
7 and 6 and 6. All
Of them survived until
I hit them in the head with a hammer
Which was hard

I did this in front of Melba
Who seemed bothered
A bit
And snarled once or twice
Then we went into the back yard
And I buried Melba’s puppies
In front of her
With great ceremony. When
She tried to lick her crotch
I slapped her on the butt
No, Melba, no
This is important, I said

After a time Melba grew to expect the killing of her pups

When she had her fourth litter
A strangely small one
Of two
She bit them in the heads
And carried them into the back yard
Where we had interred the other pups
And dug a hole and buried them

She sits now
At night
And howls
By their graves
To the stars
To the sky
And eats her kibble
In the house
A bit dazed, hungover

Melba has grown old now
And hobbles and wobbles

A tumor here

A tumor there

And she has dug a large hole
In the back yard

She looks at me when
I come to stand beside her
And looks at the graves
And the grave to be
And looks at me
And howls
At the stars
At the sky


Anonymous said...

Reminds me of a story about a loving Ruler who illustrates why all the villagers of the world should believe in His All-Powerful Merciful Fatheriness by sending his one and only beloved son to a distant village where the Ruler knows the son will be murdered. Of course, the villagers comply in the both senses--they murder the son and thenceforth believe with all their hearts and souls that the Ruler is composed of truly loving Fatheriness.

Anonymous said...

It made me cry, Tommy.