Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Like a Hollywood Script

Republicans in Hollywood.

Hollywood producer bilked $5.5m for TV show claimed "backed by Bush"

One of Dana Rohrbacher's friends.

According to today's Los Angeles Times, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Huntington Beach) received a $23,000 option on a screenplay he wrote 30 years ago from Hollywood producer, Joseph Medawar. Rohrabacher, clearly in return, helped introduce Medawar to at least five Republican congressmen at the House Homeland Security Committee in 2004, including then-Chairman Christopher Cox.

At the time, Medawar was pitching his latest Hollywood project, a TV series about the Department of Homeland Security. It was reported that Medawar bragged about his access to Washington big-shots when discussing his project with journalists and selling it to potential investors in his company, Steeple Enterprises.

Hey! This would make a great screenplay...

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