Saturday, May 26, 2007

Wolfowitz's Bitch

Much was made about the fact that Bush appointee Paul Wolfowitz not only lost his job at the World Bank, but also his girlfriend, who was at the center of the maelstrom that led to his early departure. What I haven't seen is the connection between the fact that he put much of the blame for the genesis of the debacle on his girlfriend :

In a written response, Wolfowitz maintained that he acted in good faith in seeking to resolve an obvious conflict of interest. He accused the bank's ethics committee of forcing him to oversee the raise for his longtime companion, Shaha Riza, as compensation for her transfer to a different job. The ethics panel was afraid to confront her, Wolfowitz said, because its members knew she was "extremely angry and upset."

"Its members did not want to deal with a very angry Ms. Riza, whose career was being damaged as a result of their decision," Wolfowitz said in his response to the investigating committee's report. "It would only be human nature for them to want to steer clear of her."

Holy crap. He may as well have said she was on the rag that week too. You've gotta imagine the conversation in the top floor penthouse after that bit on news came out. "You had to take care of your little bitchy bitch because she was just too hysterical to handle? Cuz I was too bitchy to handle it professionally? I'll give you BITCH, Pussowitz!" The flying Moet & Chandon and glass shards and all that following.

I mean, kicking a guy when he's down ain't a path to tread on a regular basis - but Wolfowitz is one dumb SOB, and I can't see Ms. Riza doing any different after that knuckleheaded shtick.

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