Altes, who is white, wrote in the e-mail that he was in favor of returning illegal aliens to their countries, but "we know that is impossible."
"We are where we were with the black folks after the Revolutionary War," Altes wrote. "We can't send them back and the more we (anger them) [ed. note: that said "piss them off," I'm guessing] the worse it will be in the future.... Sure we are being overrun but we are being outpopulated by the blacks als
Am I confused, or did this genius just equate African Americans, whose ancestors were brought here as slaves, with illegal immigrats? Holy freaking crap. "We can't send them back." Holy shit. "We can't send them negroids back to Africa. We're stuck with em." And we better not piss them negroids off or they'll go all savage on us.
Holy shit. There is no way he survives this.

You know, every time I think that I can do an ok job defending the South as not ALL bad (I'm born and raised there) some dink comes along and kills it for me. Sheesh...
You don't have to defnd it from me. I'm from true north in rural New York, but I've lived in Knoxvile and spent a lot of time in Texas - and I love Texas. I really do.
Freaks like this can be found everywhere.
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