Thursday, April 26, 2007

Email Interview With Samuel Lipari [Updated]

This story on Medicare fraud, an alleged misuse of the Patriot Act, an alleged connection to the U.S. Attorney purge, and more, has generated little interest in the big media world as of late. Maybe with good reason. I just don't know. 
But it is, even without the intrigue, a fascinating story about how our hospitals work - and how they should not work. The New York Times on that from 2004.

One of the figures in the story is Samuel Lipari, CEO of Medical Supply Chain, a St Louis [Kansas City] company that he says can save American health care consumers billions of dollars. But, says Lipari, nefarious forces in the corporate and political world thwarted him and his company.

I contacted Mr. Lipari a few weeks ago and he agreed to answer a list of questions. He just notified me that his responses will be coming in early next week.

UPDATED: Answers in. Coming tonight [Erg. "Tonight" means Friday night. And possibly Saturday. Work work work...]


Anonymous said...

I posted a great deal of your writings about the US atty's office in Dallas/FtWorth, on Democratic Underground. Here's a link to the post if you'd like to read some of the comments fellow DU'ers wrote. Thanks for all of your work on this and hope to see it hit the big time soon.

Best regards,

LT said...

Thanks Kathryn. I saw the post over there - I couldn't comment. I think I signed up once upon a time, but I can't rememeber a user name or password!

Thanks again, and check back for the email interview.

Anonymous said...

I look forward to the interview. I even wrote an email of support to Mr. appears he's stepped into a nest of vipers.

Oh, and, my fellow DU'ers are now investigating this case as well. Your story has made DU's front page and I suspect there will be many calling Leahy & Specter tomorrow. :D Let's hope it blows soon.


Anonymous said...

I know of fraud in a Hospital in Ma.I have tried to expose many times this is about GPOS and kickbacks.

LT said...

Have you got more, anon.?