The skipper was one of the four dead. Also the chief engineer and the first mate, along with another crewman.
Says the skipper's son wants answers. Former skipper says the boat was a top-heavy and unstable. Sheesh. And he asks:
Canty wonders if the men weren't all in the engine room trying to fix the problem when tragedy struck. "How else do you end up with the most senior people all dead?" he asked.
People were in the water in their survival suits along a mile stretch. Good God almighty, not fun. I'm glad they got most of them. Here's to the brave souls in the Coast Guard.
Search still on for missing crewman.
Update: 3/26 Got an anonymous comment from someone who talked to a friend who was on the Ranger.
I had a friend on this boat when it went down, he said it was like a movie he swore it was the end of his life, after jumping into the water, he just froze in shock. he got a rope thrown to him from a life raft, he was in the life raft for about 5 hours before rescued. my prayers go out to all the people who lost someone in this.
Captain Peter Jacobsen.
First mate Dave Silveira.
Chief engineer Daniel Cook.
Missing crewmember Satashi Konno. Search called off.
I unfortunately can't find a news story about crewmember Bryon Carrillo. [Update: Carillo was from L.A., and they almost had him saved; he fell back into the water after making it up to the helicopter in a basket. God.]
Condolences to the many friends and family of the lost fishermen.

I had a friend on this boat when it went down, he said it was like a movie he swore it was the end of his life, after jumping into the water, he just froze in shock. he got a roap throwen to him from a life raft, he was in the life raft for about 5 hours before rescued. my prayers go out to all the people who lost someone in this.
Holy crap. That must have been terrifying. I'm glad he's okay.
Thanks for commenting here. Come back any time, and especially if you get an update on the Ranger.
Sad story. Anon, I too hope your friend and his mates are okay.
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