Friday, September 05, 2008

OrBlogs is History

Well, dang. A good blog goes down.

Thanks for all your hard work, Paul Bausch, and good luck in your future endeavors.



Bpaul said...

Dude, you totally scooped me. I wrote this up but it will post at 10:30 as per a (very informal) convention I've decided on.


Where the hell are we going to post now? If I find something good (a PNW blog aggregato) I'll let you know.


LT said...

Sorry, man. Those damn conventions get you every time. Look at the Republicans


Bummer about OrBlogs. They sent me some good traffic now and then.

Bpaul said...

I met some good bloggers through it as well. You, Astoria Rust, Matt Stansberry, -- blah.

Going to have to find the next place where we all can post our new stuff and virtually "hang out."

Samuel John Klein said...

Well, there are some things occurring ... too soon to see where they're leading, but they look promising.

A group of Portland bloggers who are more important than mean (just about everyone) are looking over ways they might fill the void:

And a local Portlander has opened a WP blog that aimsto become a Portland blogger aggregator (nothing personal, LT ... but you'd be right on there, bpaul):

Actually it's kind of exciting all of a suddent. We might get two levels of aggregator out of this: an umbrella level, which Silicon Florist is exploring, and a series of regional aggregators, represented by Alan Cordle's PorBlogs. I think it's great because the regionals can do a better job catering to thier core constituencies than an umbrella service can, though both have a valid place.