Everybody lust after your neighbor's spouse, the world ends on Wednesday.
That is all.
Update: Unbelievable with the way I presented this, but people seem to think that I'm being serious here. Wow. That's legendary dense.
Hit the "cern" tag below to see earlier posts on this subject, and go here to read about the lawsuit against CERN.
(And lust after your neighbor's spouse anyway - what the hell, right?)
* Bad Astronomy with Brian Cox on the Hadron Horrorists.
Update II: Hawking bets $100 that the "God particle" won't be found.

This is awesome!! Scientists can create another universe! Wait a minute... that's the last thing creationists want to know, is that OUR UNIVERSE WAS CREATED BY SCIENTISTS!!!!!
Do you really think that the world will end due to something that we lowly humans might do in our quest for understanding?? I doubt it very much, it is far more likely that nothing will happen at all not even science, just nothing an error so to speak.
I'm joking, Science Guy. I've been writing for a while about the noogs that have been prophesying horror about this.
Brave anonymous, you need to look in the mirror and think about the word "idiot."
First of all i do not believe that much of anything will occur when you collide the two particles other than energy being released. all the people worried about the world ending, blackholes, or the oh so erie creation of another dimension are idiots and need to be removed from the gene-pool. you parents should be ashamed of you for being so ignorant.
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