"Queen Rania has played a significant role in reaching out to the global community to foster values of tolerance and acceptance, and increase cross-cultural dialogue."

"I Can't Wait to Do a Tracheotomy" and other love songs available just because you damn well want them.
The Law School has received many media requests about Barack Obama, especially about his status as "Senior Lecturer." From 1992 until his election to the U.S. Senate in 2004, Barack Obama served as a professor in the Law School. He was a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996. He was a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004, during which time he taught three courses per year. Senior Lecturers are considered to be members of the Law School faculty and are regarded as professors, although not full-time or tenure-track. The title of Senior Lecturer is distinct from the title of Lecturer, which signifies adjunct status. Like Obama, each of the Law School's Senior Lecturers have high-demand careers in politics or public service, which prevent full-time teaching. Several times during his 12 years as a professor in the Law School, Obama was invited to join the faculty in a full-time tenure-track position, but he declined.
Iraqi detainees tortured by British troops will receive compensation after the Ministry of Defence admitted it failed to protect their human rights.
Des Browne acknowledged there had been "substantive breaches" of articles two and three – the right to life and prohibition of torture – of the European Convention on Human Rights.
The admission, coming in a written ministerial statement, follows the high court fight for compensation by the family of Basra hotel receptionist Baha Mousa.
Mr Mousa died in custody of British soldiers in 2003 after sustaining 93 injuries.
As well has effectively admitting culpability over the death of the 26-year-old, the MoD accepts UK soldiers tortured eight other Iraqi detainees.
During a briefing in Baghdad on Wednesday, a British military official said that of the nearly 30,000 Iraqi security forces involved in the assault, almost 16,000 were Basra police forces, which have long been suspected of being infiltrated by the same militias the assault was intended to root out.
Tibeten monks have disrupted a tour of Lhasa by foreign journalists.
The journalists were the first to be allowed back to Tibet since protests erupted two weeks ago.
About 30 monks shouted pro-Tibetan slogans and defended the Dalai Lama as journalists toured the Jokhang Temple, the visiting reporters said.
...female pride and empowerment, disabled pride and empowerment, global and local landmine awareness and information, challenge inferiority and/or guilt complexes that hinder creativity ... question established concepts of physical perfection, challenge old and ingrown concepts of cultural cooperation, celebrate true beauty, replace the passive term 'Victim' with the active term 'Survivor.'
March 25 (Bloomberg) -- An Antarctic ice shelf bigger than Connecticut risks collapse because of global warming after a retreat that began on Feb. 28, the British Antarctic Survey said.
The Wilkins ice shelf, which lost 1,000 square kilometers (390 square miles) of ice, or about 6 percent of its surface, in 1998, calved another 570 square kilometers since February, the survey group said in an e-mailed statement. Now, there's little to stop the loss of another several thousand square kilometers.
Canty wonders if the men weren't all in the engine room trying to fix the problem when tragedy struck. "How else do you end up with the most senior people all dead?" he asked.
I had a friend on this boat when it went down, he said it was like a movie he swore it was the end of his life, after jumping into the water, he just froze in shock. he got a rope thrown to him from a life raft, he was in the life raft for about 5 hours before rescued. my prayers go out to all the people who lost someone in this.
Kamen's device purifies water through a distillation and condensation process tied to a proprietary system designed by Deka. Kamen said the purifier can handle any contaminants and produce 10 gallons of water an hour on 500 watts of electricity.
The company claims the purifier can convert 75 percent of seawater and up to 95 percent of contaminated water into drinkable water, but it acknowledges that it does not yet have outside verification of the purifier's reliability.
Dr. Jack Tsao, a Navy neurologist with the Uniform Services University, was looking for ways to help soldiers like Paupore. He remembered reading in graduate school a paper by Dr. V.S. Ramachandran that talked about an unusual treatment for amputees suffering "phantom limb pain," using a simple $20 mirror.
The mirror tricks the brain into "seeing" the amputated leg, overriding mismatched nerve signals.
Here's how it works: The patient sits on a flat surface with his or her remaining leg straight out and then puts a 6-foot mirror lengthwise facing the limb. The patient moves the leg, flexing it, and watches the movement in the mirror. The reflection creates the illusion of two legs moving together.
The Federal Bureau of Prisons Web site states its policy -- that furloughs can be allowed for a family crisis and that decision is left to the warden.
"We've asked them numerous times, 'What is an extraordinary circumstance?'" said Vonda Yaeger. "They danced around it. They don't give you a direct answer.
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He also challenged China’s Government to investigate his offices – and even his own pulse, stools and urine – to back up their allegation that he masterminded the riots that began on Friday in Lhasa, the Tibetan capital.
Israel's intelligence service has emerged from the shadows to allow four agents to write blogs about their daily routines in an attempt to boost recruitment.
According to Shin Beth officials, the bloggers will respond to messages sent from members of the public.
Police investigating the death of Ola Brunkert, 61, believe he may have fallen through a glass door in his kitchen wounding his neck on a shard of glass.
Ola Brunkert had been a jazz drummer, also being a member of the blues band Slim's Blues Gang, before joining pop group Science Poption in the mid-1960s. Then, through working with guitarist Janne Schaffer in the jazz-pop group Opus III later in the decade, he started getting work as a session musician from 1970 onwards..
Ola's first known ABBA-related session was also the group's very first single, People Need Love. Together with bass player Rutger Gunnarsson, Ola is probably the only musician to appear on all ABBA albums - he was one of the most frequently used Swedish sessions musicians during the 1970s. Ola also toured with ABBA in 1977, 1979, and 1980
Many of us left our hosts with strings, which can be hard to get there, mouth pieces or reeds and stacks of music. The whole visit had lasted less than 48 hours. Most us were in tears for one reason or another when we landed back in the US. It was almost too much to take.
The first Booke containeth the Dedicatorie Epistle or Preface of the worke, addressed to Titus Vespasian the Emperour. Also the names of the Authors out of which he gathered the Historie, which he prosecuteth in 36 Bookes: togither with the Summarie of every Chapter: & beginneth, The Books, &c.
But who is playing partisan politics here? A prime minister who sues the Liberals while his point man on the justice committee prevents them from asking fair questions? How can Hanger talk about "unsubstantiated scandal" when so many questions remain to be answered? What, for example, did Harper mean when he told Cadman's biographer about "financial considerations" for the dying MP?
Harper and Hanger should know that their outlandish responses only make it look as if they do, indeed, have something to hide.