Donnell Williams had just gotten out of the bath tub, wearing only a towel around his waist, when he turned the corner to see guns pointing right at him.
"I ain't never been so scared," says Williams.
Police forced entry into Williams home while responding to a shooting, but it turned out to be a false call. They had no idea at the time the call wasn't real and that Williams is hearing impaired. Without his hearing aid he is basically deaf.
"I kept going to my ear yelling that I was scared. I can't hear! I can't hear!"
Officers were worried about their own safety because at the time it appeared Williams was refusing to obey their commands to show his hands. That's when they shot him with a Taser.
Because when cops are on a call for a possible shooting, even a guy wearing nothing but a towel around his waist and attempting to communicate that he CAN'T FREAKING HEAR deserves to be shot with a taser.
Is it safe?

I'm glad the bloggers are all over the tasering that is going on. Someone's got to be, it's completely over the top and needs to have attention.
Apparently, most precincts with tasers put the use of them right after verbal command. If you don't respond to verbal instruction, it's an all go on the taser.
I suppose it beats a nightstick up the bum, but the more Tasers I hear about, the more I feel like pacifism has failed and arming in self defense is the only practical choice left.
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