A new assessment by American intelligence agencies concludes that the government of Saddam Hussein does not possess weapons of mass desruction and is not a threat to the U.S. or any of its neighbors. The report contradicts everything the Bush administration has been saying about the Iraqi government for months, and brings to a sudden and complete halt calls for war with the nation.Key Findings:
• We judge with high confidence that Baghdad has not reconstituted their nuclear weapons program, has not attempted to reconstitute its nuclear weapons program, and does not now, nor will any time in the foreseeable future, possess nuclear weapons
• We judge with high confidence that Baghdad does not possess biological or chemical weapons in any amount sufficient to be considered a threat to the security of the U.S. or any other nation
• We judge with high confidence that Baghdad is not “an imminent threat” to the U.S. or any other nation
• We judge with high confidence that Baghdad is not now nor have they ever been linked to Al Qaeda
Government officials who requested anonymity said that the release of the surprising findings may have averted a war that was as little as days away. Others say such talk is irresponsible and inflammatory and that the Bush administration had no set plans for war with Ira*.
It's a good thing that responsible and sane people in our government did what they had to do to make sure this report came out, huh? We could have been in a long and bloody - and unnecessary - war. Damn.

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