It’s horrible. It doesn’t matter if you have or you don’t have money. Once you paid your taxes, it should be a done deal. You shouldn’t have to pay twice. No taxation without representation! Sorry.
Uh, you idiot.
First: You have representation. What the hell are you talking about?
Second: Goldberg fell for a con game with the "shouldn't be taxed twice" bullshit that attempts to distract those who won't or can't think. She lives in California, where she works and earns money - and is taxed by the federal government and the state government on that money. That's already having to "pay twice."
Why isn't Goldberg screaming about the unfair double taxation of federal and state income taxes? Because she's an idiot.
When she takes that money that she's already been taxed on - twice (we'll ignore that evey other tax after that is actually triple taxation)- and spends it in a store in California, she gets charged a sales tax of 7.25 %.
Why isn't Goldberg screaming about the unfair double taxation of sales tax? Because she's an idiot.
When Goldberg buys gas for her car - with money that she's already been taxed on - she pays about 50% in state and federal gas taxes.
Why isn't Goldberg screaming about the unfair double taxation of gas taxes? Because she's an idiot.
On and on and on and on. Double taxation already exists. Triple and quadruple and much higher already exists. Someone came up with the idea of railing against the "Death tax" by calling it (besides calling it the "Death tax," instead of the "Inheritance tax") a "double taxation," because they knew that idiots wouldn't think it through.

It is entirely possible that Whoopi is an idiot, but I personally doubt it. On the other hand, you seem to understand taxes different than I do. My understanding is that in America we do not tax the same "transaction" twice. However, we do attempt to tax every "tansaction". Therefore it is not the person that died that is being taxed, it is the person, or entity, receiving it. Even then, there is a huge amount that is exempt from this tax. My favorite cartoon about inheritance appeared 30 or 40 years ago. It showed two old men seated in plush chairs in a richedly paneled room at their "Club". A younger man was walking past them and one of the old men said, "That is young Featherstone, he inherited 100 million and built it into a fortune."
As I said, she's an idiot about *this*. In multiple other ways I'm quite sure she's not. I'm a fan, in other words, and it pained me to see her do this.
Transaction traschmaction. Receing income is one "transaction," in the way you're talking about it here, and in many states, most, actualy, it is taxed by the federal and state government.
And yes, the person receiving it is taxed, hence the name "Inheritance tax." And yes, a HUGE amount is exempt.
Wait: You're saying that none of these things are double taxation because they're all different transactions - even the act of inheritance. Got ya.
It doesn't explain the income tax thing though, does it?
so you are against the various forms of taxation but all for the socialist programs the take the taxes and give them to someone else?
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