Rush Limbaugh said this on his show yesterday about Hillary Clinton and her possible presidency:
So the question is this: Will Americans want to watch a woman get older before their eyes on a daily basis?
Roll that around in your mind for awhile. Let it foam up on your shoreline. Let it sink in.
Will Americans want to watch a woman get older before their eyes on a daily basis?
No, really. You haven't absorbed it yet. You have to hold it up, let the light shine through it.
Will Americans want to watch a woman get older before their eyes on a daily basis?
Overlay it with an image of your mother, or your grandmother, or your wife - or your young daughter.
Will Americans want to watch a woman get older before their eyes on a daily basis?
Can we stand such a hideous spectacle? Should we be made to? Is America not better than this? More decent? More modern?
Shouldn't she be covered up?
Note: Limbaugh is a coward, so he of course built himself what he thinks is an escape hatch for this story:
Now, I want to preface this by saying I know it's going to get out there. Media Matters is going to get hold of this and they're going to take it all out of context.
It's what he did with the Donavan McNabb story. It's what he does with much of what he puts out there. "They took me out of context!" No, that's not true. It's entirely his context. (Well, with a little help from Matt Drudge, as he says.) It's his question. It's his perspective. It didn't fall out of the sky. It's Limbaugh's. He's just way too much of a coward to admit it.

Read the trascript, it is out of context.
Also, to believe such "out of context" idiocy you'd also have to ignore a Limbaugh-sized elephant in the room: It's Limbaugh - talking about Hillary Clinton. Are you stupid enough to think that he's coming from a place of neutrality about HRC?
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