...liberalism today sees no realm of human life which is beyond political singnificance, from what you eat to what you smoke to what you say. Sex is political...
Sex? Did Goldberg have an editor that was stupider than him? Is that even possible? Is he kidding? Sex? Liberals are the "totalitarians" about sex? God almighty, that's just embarassingly dumb.
Not to mention, "what you say." Regular old people like me have been accused of "Sedition" by people like Goldberg on a regualr basis for years.

It's admirable you keep track of these guys and actually read their stuff. I can't do it, I'd bust a spleen.
well, stop being a little liberal fascist whining cuz the 2000 and 2004 election did not go your way and people will stop calling you a little liberal fascist. simple concept. hard for your little brain to wrap around.
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