50 Simple Things - revisited: [link fixed]
In this brand new edition—completely revised and updated—Javna and his two children, Sophie, age 14 and Jesse, age 18, have collaborated with 50 top environmental advocacy groups to explore the most important environmental issues facing us today. Together they outline simple, step-by-step actions that empower readers to become citizen activists in the fight to save the earth. The Javnas believe that although individual actions are important, real and lasting change will come about only when we work together.
Good idea, huh?
Here's their Web site. [link fixed] Go give 'em some love!

Excellent! Thank you for the link to their site.
"Here's their website" link broken, my friend...
"50 Simple Things - revisited:" same...
Thanks, tpm. The links are actually correct, they must have some trouble on their end. Still kind of a new site.
Oh. Sorry. Just trying to help... drat.
Have I ever told you that you have one of the most interesting gravatars I've seen around the net?
It's as if it says, "My music speaks for me." or "It's the music, stupid." or "I'm wanted by the FBI." or maybe just "Listen up!"
I appreciate the help.
I had to look up "gravatar" - and thanks! I love that photo, comes from the cover of my CD Bottomfeeders. Done by a friend who did a shoot for the CD. That was just a between serious shots snap. Loved it.
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