A Minnesota judge today denied Republican Sen. Larry Craig's request to withdraw his disorderly conduct guilty plea following his arrest in a Twin Cities airport men's restroom sting, a move that is likely to rekindle efforts by GOP leaders to force Craig to give up his seat.
Here's the question I have about this: How often does someone get the double-zinger of pleading guilty - and, basically, being found guilty by a judge? It's guilty squared! It's a...wait for it..double-wide full of guilty.

Craig obviously believes he has the ability to fend off any Republican challenge to punish him prior to his exit from office. In fact, I suspect he's personally reminded the Republican leadership of every little indiscretion he's personally witnessed or been a part of in the past fifteen (15) years in the Senate. Craig's only redemption will be to finish his term in office without being punished for his actions and I suspect his party will acquiesce to his demands.
My bet is they don't. They don't want him there come election time.
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