Riehl writes a post based on pasted together crapnoodles and impossibly-far-reaching speculation, Xanthippas points that out, and Pablo accuses Xanthippas of speculation and strawmanning (yes, that IS a word). Wow.
And holy freaking crap that is the stretchiest bit of stretched out bullshiat of a story I've perhaps ever seen.
A rewrite:
"Researching the latest bit of WaPo bad news out of Iraq"...I found a way to make a wholly unrelated thing to the story, which is about how these American soldiers feel about being in Iraq - which is NOT GOOD - seem related to the story in a way that, it you follow me, makes it seem like the MSM is lying about the GOOD NEWS in Iraq. To top that bit of absolute truth-buggery, the wholly unrelated thing that I duct-taped to the story is...wait for it...the story of an Iraqi reporter who was murdered in Iraq.
Pablo and Dan Riehl. A match made in truth-buggery.
And, oh, perfect - it's Scott Thomas Beauchamp's unit. That'll really make the wingers nuts.

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