COLORADO SPRINGS — “In my parents’ day and age, (unmarried teen parents) were sent away, they were shunned, they were called what they are,” Colorado Springs Republican Rep. Larry Liston said during a GOP legislative caucus meeting in Denver. “There was at least a sense of shame.
“There’s no sense of shame today," Liston continued, according to the The Gazette of Colorado Springs. "Society condones it. ... I think it’s wrong. They’re sluts. And I don’t mean just the women. I mean the men, too.”
"There was at least a sense of shame." Yup, we sure knew how to be ashamed and to vomit that shame into our children in the old days. It's really a shame that we lost that. It's a shame that we don't "send them away" and "shun" them anymore.
What the hell happened to us?

Great find on this! Ah, good old compassionate conservatism...
If you go back far enough, "we" stoned them to death.. now that would be a great...
Oh, wait...
that's being trotted out as one of the pretexts for an unprovoked invasion of a sovereign nation, Iran. I forgot.
Confusing sometimes... these lines we have to tread.
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