Three white teens were charged Friday in what officials said was an epithet-filled fatal beating of an illegal Mexican immigrant in a small northeast Pennsylvania coal town.
The FBI's Hate Crime Statistics page, with yearly reports.
Update: Amy Good man interviewed an eyewitness (transcript):
ARIELLE GARCIA: He was at our house all day that afternoon. And it was around maybe 11:00, he asked us to take him uptown to drop him off, whatever, he was going to go home. So, we leave him at the Vine Street Park, and we drive away, Victor and I, and about two minutes later he called us and told us to come back, that people were beating him up. So we get back as fast as we could. And when we get there, he was—like the fight was over, like the boys were walking away, but they were still screaming like racial slurs, like “Go back to Mexico!”
And so, Victor and I ran up to Luis, and we said, “What happened?” But he was so mad, he wasn’t really talking to us. And those kids kept yelling stuff, and he went back, and the kids turned around, and the fight started again. So Victor, my husband, tried to like stop the fight. He tried to get the kids off of Luis, but kids were trying to fight my husband. So my husband got the kids off of him, and we couldn’t stop the fight between Luis and the—but next thing we know, Luis was on the floor. And so, me and Victor, we ran up to his side, and we were at his side. We were trying to wake him up, and the kids are still like kicking him and kicking him. And somebody—I don’t know who, but they kicked him like in the left side of his head so hard that that’s what killed him.

It is easy to pick on the weaker. Ramirez was weaker because he was outnumbered. White racists would not do this to Puerto Ricans because we unite and fight back. Kill one of us, and we usually put aside our differences to defend ourselves. If White racists want to prevent Latinos or any other ethnic group from taking your jobs, they should just work harder than we do.
In reference to "or any other ethnic group from taking your jobs, they should just work harder than we do", South/Central American Latinos wouldn't have to flee their own countries if they would just develop their own countries/economies. Show me one country in either Central or South America that people aren't trying to leave since they can't figure out how to make a country that works for them.
He should never have been physically assaulted, but why should anyone expect to be welcomed anywhere after sneaking in illegally? You wouldn't expect to be welcomed after breaking into someone's home - what's the difference? Immigrate legally or stay home & develop your own country.
uh, to Anonymous regarding he KKK - you don't read very well, do you?
And Annie - what the hella re you on about?
yeah annie lets start with you pack up your things and leave
They should be rewarded for removing an invader. There should be a bounty on illegals.
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